Flat lay paper cutout of a brain with a thought bubble above it. The text to the left reads "PD Playlists of 2023"

PD Playlists of 2023

As we come close to wrapping up 2023, we’re wrapping up our 2023 PD Playlists as well. Haven’t seen one yet? Don’t know what they’re all about? Now’s your chance to find out!

What is a PD Playlist?

Each PD Playlist offers a variety of online and free videos, articles and podcasts created by Langara, BC Campus, Go2Knowledge and Magna designed to enhance knowledge and skills on a specific topic.

Inspired by a playlist theme, the Teaching and Curriculum Development Centre (TCDC) thoughtfully curates the resources for each topic from “sound bite” to “radio play” to “extended dance mix” to “full LP”. Choose your own adventure—this is self-regulated learning; some tracks are just a few minutes whereas others will require a longer time commitment.

Where can I find the PD Playlists?

There is more than one way to find our monthly PD Playlists: 

  1. Visit our PD Playlist page on the TCDC iWeb  
  2. Head to the TCDC iWeb and search “PD Playlist
  3. Subscribe to the Teaching & Learning Digest for a monthly link to the latest PD Playlist

Topics from this year’s Playlists

January: Universal Design for Learning 

February: Artificial Intelligence Content Generators 

March: Learning and the Brain 

April: Active Learning 

May: Renewing Ourselves and Our Teaching 

June: Indigenization 

August: Authentic Assessment 

September: Academic Integrity 

October: Fostering Student Success 

November: Rubrics 

We want to hear from you!

Which of these resources did you find most helpful this year? What topics would you like to see covered next year? 

If you have suggestions for topics or resources, please share your ideas with us at tcdc@langara.ca.