A pen placed on top of a stack of notebooks.

Program (Re)Development

Need assistance? TCDC can help.

(Re)developing your program is a complex process that will take time and include multiple stakeholders. To get started, please book a consultation with us.

TCDC provides resources to support the development of baccalaureate, non-baccalaureate (citation, certificate, diploma, associate degree, and post-degree diploma), and Continuing Studies programs.

Here’s what you need to get started:

New Program Development: How to Develop a New Program at Langara College

Policy F1010: New Program Development

For an overview of the process, please refer to the selections below:

Baccalaureate Development Flowchart

CertDipPDP Development Flowchart

Review and Approval Process for Education Council (EdCo) Proposals

If you would like one-on-one support or a department workshop on program development, please contact us at tcdc@langara.ca.


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