PD Playlist: Rubrics

To help anyone interested in learning more about Rubrics TCDC has compiled another “PD Playlist.” We’ve arranged the resources from “sound bite” to “radio play” to “extended dance mix” and “full LP.” Some options will take just a few minutes of your time while others will require a longer commitment.   

Visit the TCDC site, to view the entire catalogue of PD Playlists. 

November PD Playlist

Sound Bites <10 minutes  

Create a Marking Rubric With AI (video| 00:05:21)
Martin Kolka shows how to use ChatGPT to create a rubric. 

Co-creating Rubrics with Students (webpage| 00:09:00)
Co-creating rubrics is an inclusive teaching practice when you create transparency for grading, encourage full participation in the creation of the rubrics, and allow students to express their own perspectives. 

Radio Play<20 minutes   

Designing and Using Rubrics (webpage | 00:15:00)
TCDC’s webpage on rubrics gives an overview, suggested uses, and links to many great resources. 

How Can Rubrics Make Grading Easier and Faster? (video | 00:18:58)
In this Magna Mentor episode, we learn about three basic formats for rubrics and explore seven key recommendations. 

Extended Dance Mix <60 minutes 

FLO Workshop: Rubrics Rubrics Rubrics! (webinar | 00:36:00)
This BC Campus video, part of a longer workshop, provides an introduction to effective use and design of rubrics. 

Full LP >1 hour  

Designing Effective Rubrics: How to Align Learning Outcomes, Instructional Activities & Course Assignments (webinar | 01:02:33)
Jean Mandernach guides viewers to create “adaptable rubrics” that align with course learning outcomes, while also exploring the VALUE rubrics and discussing how integrating adaptable rubrics can increase student agency. 

Rubric Template Collection (document| 01:30:00)
This collection of templates created by the Chicago State University offers a variety of rubrics from several institutions that you can experiment with and adapt in your own courses. 

For Your Students: 

What is a Rubric? (webpage| 00:05:00)
This short interactive article describes to students what rubrics are, offers examples, and explains how to read a rubric. 

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