The Langara Library in Autumn with the Musqueum House Post in the foreground.

Langara’s Commitment to Indigenization

snəw̓eyəɬ leləm̓ Langara College is committed to Indigenization, reconciliation, and decolonization. 

The tools and resources on these pages can get you started learning more about Indigenization, decolonization, and reconciliation. They can help

  • departments have meaningful conversations about decolonizing curriculum;
  • departments and individuals transform teaching practices to reflect Indigenous ways of knowing and learning; and
  • individuals on their journeys toward Indigenization, decolonization, and reconciliation.

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In Langara’s 2025 Strategic Plan, Indigenization is central to several key commitments:

  • Decolonize curriculum and integrate Indigenous ways of knowing and learning. (2.3)
  • Informed by the recommendations from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, initiate and implement Indigenization strategy. (5.1)
  • Maintain and deepen our relations with Musqueam. (5.2)
  • Develop and implement strategies to recruit and retain Indigenous students and employees. (5.3)

The Academic Plan 2025 [forthcoming] states that “Our Musqueam partners have been integral to the conversation from the beginning as we travel forward in this work together” (Academic Plan Presentation, PowerPoint, April 2021). Principles of Indigenization are woven into the Academic Plan’s lenses for the next five years: Curiosity, Creativity, and Innovation; Holistic Student Engagement and Support; Transformational Learning Experiences; and Social Responsibility/Community Relationships.

Indigenization Tools & Resources


Principles for Indigenizing at snəw̓eyəɬ leləm̓

Use these principles as a starting point for different ways to consider your classroom and curriculum, or to help you recognize things you are already doing in your teaching practice that you can build on, strengthen, and develop further.


Clarify your understanding of important terms and concepts such as Indigenization, decolonization and reconciliation.

Decolonization and Reconciliation

Use these resources to begin or continue your learning about colonialism and reconciliation.

Indigenizing Your Curriculum

Learn about Indigenizing your curriculum.

Professional Learning

Visit our calendar for upcoming opportunities to further your knowledge through events such as webinars and workshops.