Illustrated life-sized tent calendar with a person in front of it who is checking off a date.

Join TCDC for Summer 2023 Professional Learning Events  

With September on the horizon, the time has come to gear up and start preparing for the fall semester. TCDC has plenty of sessions coming up this month to support both new and returning instructors with their course planning and professional development. Peruse the events below or visit our events calendar to find out what’s coming up this month.  

Upcoming Events

Setting the Class Climate for a Productive Semester | August 29th 12:45pm – 2:00pm (in-person) 

Now is the optimal time to consider what you can do to set the stage for a learning-centred semester for both you and your students. In this session, we will look at ways to use the first week of class to introduce some Indigenous pedagogy, build a community of learners, and use the course outline as a teaching tool. 

Maximize Student Engagement through Classroom Configuration | August 30th 10:30am – 11:45am (in-person) 

In this workshop, you’ll explore different classroom seating configurations to maximize students’ learning, identify the benefits and drawbacks of typical seating arrangements, and learn why mixing it up is worth the set-up time. 

The LSSC: Laying the Foundation for Your Students’ Academic Success at snəw̓eyəɬ leləm̓ Langara | August 31st 10:30am – 11:30am (online) 

The LSSC is a free online college prep course that lays the foundation for academic success at snəw̓eyəɬ leləm Langara. Students who successfully complete the LSSC do better in their classes. Join us for a course tour and learn how the LSSC team supports faculty and students. 

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