Creating and organizing course content

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Your course content is organized using content topics and modules. Use modules to organize the units of your course offering (for example, week 1, week 2, week 3, and so on) and topics to organize the content of each module (for example, lesson 1, lesson 2, lesson 3, and so on.)

You can add content and activities to your course through the Content tool. Clicking on Course Materials in the Navbar and selecting Content takes you to the Content area. There you will see a table of contents of any Modules and topics that currently exist in your course. You can view the entire Table of Contents at once or view module contents individually by clicking on them in the Table of Contents list.

You can expand or collapse modules for easier navigation, either individually or by choosing from the Expand All | Collapse All links at the top right of the Content area.

From this page you can add content (new Modules and Topics), add links to course activities such as discussions and quizzes and edit, reorder or delete existing content.
