ARTstor images in PowerPoint

Do you use ARTstor images in your classes?  With over a million images from outstanding museums, photographers, libraries, scholars, photo archives, and artists and artists’ estates from all over the world, ARTstor is a wonderful online resource.  It’s also easy to download ARTstor images into a PowerPoint presentation–just follow these steps from the ARTstor blog:

“After logging in, open the image group you want to export. Click on the Export to PowerPoint button () above the image group thumbnails (make sure you’ve disabled pop-up blockers). Presto! Each image will appear on its own slide, with the image data in the notes field below. When in presentation mode, each image will also be hyperlinked to the original image in ARTstor, which you can open to enlarge, pan and rotate online.”

There’s also a video and handy PDF to walk you through the steps.

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