Does Langara have a student attendance policy?

I attended a faculty training session not long ago and one of the questions pertained to student attendance and what faculty could do if students don’t attend classes. On the Langara “Student Responsibilities” page there is a statement about attendance. It says:

“Students must attend all classes, lectures, laboratories, workshops, practicums, and seminars. Irregular attendance may result in exclusion from classes.”

For clarification purposes, Langara does not have policy on attendance. This web-statement outlines the College’s expectation for all students. It doesn’t however, allow a faculty member to discipline a student for non-attendance. A faculty member can choose to make participation part of the grade breakdown (ie.: participation is worth 20% of overall grade) if they want to ensure their students attend regularly.

If a student can’t safely perform required tasks safely because they have not attended those classes necessary to receive safety-related instruction, the potential safety risk can be addressed. Contact Campus Security, Student Conduct and Judicial Affairs or the Registrar’s Office if you need advice on how to proceed.















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