Response to student disclosure of sexual violence

Langara’s policy

Langara’s Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy allows for intervention and investigation of allegations of sexual misconduct perpetrated by a student.* Sexual misconduct as covered by the policy includes sexual harassment, sexual assault and sexual exploitation. The policy also covers gender-based stalking, intimate partner aggression and other forms of sexualized violence and aggression.

The policy is limited in the scope of incidents that can be investigated or under alternate resolution process. However, regardless of where an incident occurs, we can always provide a student with support and information.

* For situations where the alleged perpetrator of sexual misconduct is an employee, the matter is addressed by the Director, Labour Relations & Human Rights (Human Resources Department).

Web information

Information for students on sexual misconduct and sexual assault is available on the Sexual Violence Support and Education website.

Response to disclosure

A student may disclose sexual harassment or sexual assault to an employee of the college. If a student discloses an incident to you, here are some things you can do.

  • Listen and respond with respect and compassion.
  • Avoid comments that the student may experience as minimization, dismissal, or attribution of blame.
  • Inform the student of his or her options. These include:
    • Consultation with a counsellor in the Counselling Office – For emotional support, referral and guidance.
    • Consultation with a nurse or doctor in Health Services – For medical support, referral and guidance.
    • Consultation with the Student Conduct Office – For exploration of reporting options, on-campus support, referral and assistance with police notification.
    • Consultation with Campus Safety and Security Office – For reporting and assistance with police notification.
  • Remind the student that consultation with campus resources does not require them to make a formal report.
  • If the disclosure refers to an employee of the College, contact the Human Resources Department for advice.

On-campus and community resources are listed on the Get Support page of the Sexual Violence Support and Education website.

Facilitate contact with services

Because reaching out can be difficult for a student, facilitating contact with on-campus resources can be helpful. If possible, and with the student’s permission, do one of the following:

  • Walk the student to the appropriate department and remain with them while they make an appointment or similar.
  • Call ahead to the appropriate department and let the department know the student will be in contact.
  • Let the student know you will inform the Student Conduct Office on the student’s behalf. The office will follow –up with the student.

Interim measures

It is sometimes necessary to implement interim measures to ensure the safety and comfort of the affected students pending the outcome of an investigation and/or to facilitate continued academic participation. The cooperation of faculty and staff is appreciated if such measures are needed. Student Conduct & Academic Integrity can coordinate these arrangements if they are necessary.


If a student disclosed sexual harassment or sexual assault, it is respectful and compassionate to do a quick follow-up with the student. There is no need to probe deeply. Simply ask the student if he or she is okay and if there is anything more you can do.