Responding to Students of Concern

First Approach
You are not required to reach out to a seemingly distressed student. This is your choice. If you would like to help, these suggestions are intended to guide you in extending that helping hand. You may also wish to consult the SCAI office for situation-specific advice. Talk calmly with the student in a private location, mention you are concerned and site a specific reason.  Just listen, let the student talk.

Ask the student if he or she would like to speak with someone from Counselling or Health Services who has expertise in helping students “cope” with difficult situations.  (Some students find a referral to Health Services more acceptable than a referral to Counselling).  If the student agrees, offer to walk him or her there to set up an appointment.

If you are satisfied that the student has accepted and will follow-up with the referral, do nothing for a week and then approach the student to ask “if everything is OK?” Try not to ask directly if they went to Counselling or Health Services. They may share this information with you, but aren’t required to do so.

If the student did not accept your referral or displayed a hostile or inappropriate response to your intervention, or if you believe the circumstances warrant a formal report or are best addressed by someone other than you, please report your concerns directly to the Office of Student Conduct & Academic Integrity. The Office will triage the situation and devise a response.

Action and Referral Guide
The handout below provides information about who to contact if you observe student behaviour that concerns you.

You can also download a PDF version.