Reminder to Book Library Instruction for Summer 2015!

Summer term will soon be upon us! While you’re getting your class materials prepped and ready for the next term, now is the perfect time to book library instruction for Summer 2015. The library can help your students obtain vital information literacy skills from basic research to subject-specific resource strategies. In-person classes and online assignment guides can be catered specifically to your assignments and give your students a leg up on their research. For general skills, we also offer three online tutorials.

Online D2L Tutorials:

Our online tutorials, delivered through Langara’s D2L Course Management System help both  learners at the college and distance students gain library research skills.

We offer:

Introduction to Research – This tutorial introduces students to library research methods and is geared toward first-year students in all disciplines.

Avoiding Plagiarism – Langara instructors explain plagiarism in a series of short videos. They discuss intentional and unintentional plagiarism, explain why students need to be aware of the issues and consequences, and provide clear solutions to protect their academic integrity.

Evaluating Web Resources – Introduces a set of criteria that students can use to determine the authority, quality, and usefulness of web resources.

In the fall term, we will also be launching a new tutorial called “Can I Use This?” – Critically Evaluating Sources that expands on the ideas presented in Evaluating Web Resources tutorial to include scholarly and popular sources along with things students find on the web. Stay tuned!

In-Person Tutorials:

Work closely with your subject librarian to develop an in-person library tutorial that will introduce your students to research in your discipline. By providing librarians with copies of your assignments or discussing your student’s specific needs, we can make sure that these tutorials are useful and extremely relevant to your students. Bring your classes to the library for hands-on learning or host the librarian in your classroom.

Online Assignment Guides:

Give your students a road map to your research assignment! Your subject librarian will create a customized guide with recommendations of resources and search strategies. See examples of research guides here:

To book any kind of library instruction for your Summer 2015 classes, please contact your subject librarian:

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