Library Instruction continues apace! Time to book for Fall 2021.

With our return to campus and re-opening of the library, your Liaison Librarians are ready to return to in-person workshops along side our excellent virtual services! If you’re planning to have your students gather resources, synthesize information, and ground their analyses in existing research, consider adding a library workshop to your course syllabus!

Throughout the last year and a half, we have been offering synchronous and asynchronous custom workshops, research and resource help guides catered to your assignments, and our existing suite of online tutorials. None of those will go away, but we are excited to add back the possibility of in-person workshops either in the library teaching classrooms (L108 and L216) or in your own classroom. Contact your liaison librarian for more information!

For more information, see the links and guides below.

For more information about library instruction, please check out our information page:

Online Tutorials:

Our online tutorials, delivered through Langara’s Brightspace Course Management System, are helpful for both learners at the college and distance students gain library research skills. We offer:

Introduction to Research – This tutorial introduces students to library research methods and is geared toward first-year students in all disciplines.

Avoiding Plagiarism – Langara instructors explain plagiarism in a series of short videos. They discuss intentional and unintentional plagiarism, explain why students need to be aware of the issues and consequences, and provide clear solutions to protect their academic integrity.

Can I Use This? Evaluating Your Sources – This online tutorial provides students with a 5W (Who, What, Where, When Why) Framework to apply to resources that they find both through the library and online. Short videos walk students through the evaluation process with several example resource. Help your students make better decisions about the resources they include in their papers.

For more information on the Online Tutorials, please see our guide here:

In-Person Tutorials:

Your subject librarians can work closely with you to develop an in-person library tutorial that introduces your students to library resources and research skills. By providing copies of your assignments or discussing your student’s specific needs, we can make sure that these tutorials are useful and extremely relevant. Bringing your classes to the library for hands-on learning is very useful, but activities and tutorials can be delivered in your classroom as well.

Online Assignment Guides:

Give your students a road map to your research assignment! Your subject librarian will create a customized guide with recommendations of resources and search strategies. With our new system, you are able to embed these guides directly into your Brightspace course.

To book tutorials for your classes or find out more, please feel free to get in touch with your subject librarian here:

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