Time to Book Library Instruction for Spring 2015

As the year winds down, don’t forget to schedule Library instruction for your classes in Spring 2015!  Whether your students need to learn basic library skills or advanced subject-specific research strategies, the Library can help. We offer three online tutorials, in-person classes, and online assignment guides.


Highly popular for all modes of instruction, our online D2L tutorials also provide a convenient way to help distance learners gain library research skills.  See http://www.langara.bc.ca/library/services/faculty/d2l.html for more information.

1. Introduction to Research – Introduces academic library research to first-year students in all disciplines.

2. Avoiding Plagiarism – Discusses intentional and unintentional plagiarism, explains why students need to be aware of the issues surrounding academic integrity, and provides clear solutions for avoiding plagiarism.

3. Evaluating Web Resources – Introduces website evaluation criteria to students in all disciplines.


Whether you’re planning a major research assignment or just want to be sure students are comfortable using library resources, your subject librarian can work with you to design a session tailored to meet the specific needs of your students. These classes can be held in a computer lab for hands-on learning, or in your regular classroom.


Your subject librarian can create a custom online guide to help students with the research component of their assignments. See examples of assignment guides: http://www.langara.bc.ca/library/research-help/assignment-help/index.html

To book library instruction of any type, contact your subject librarian: http://www.langara.bc.ca/library/services/faculty/subject-librarians.html

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