Films at Langara

Did you know Langara Library has thousands of films on DVD and streaming video?  Most physical media can be borrowed for 3 days, and streaming videos are available off campus via Langara ID.

Films on DVD and VHS

There are a couple of ways to find films at Langara.

1.  Search the Library catalogue.

2.  Browse our list of feature films on DVD or VHS.

Streaming video

To find streaming videos, the easiest way is to search our catalogue.  However, there are some videos available to Langara users that don’t appear in a catalogue search.  With this in mind, you have a few options:

1.  Do an advanced search in our catalogue and limit the format to “Streaming Media”.  Most of our videos can be found this way.

2.  Browse our extensive list of streaming videos.

3.  Search or browse the online video collection VAST.  You can find some videos here that are not yet available via our catalogue.

4.  Explore the NFB website (the interactive video section is especially unique).

Learn more about how to find and use this valuable collection with our online guide.

Tip: You can also book films for use in your classes via our handy online form.

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