A Panel Discussion: How Can Educators Maintain Academic Integrity in the Age of GenAI?

(Editor’s Note: This blogpost was created using Bard, ChatGPT-4, and Bing. The only content created by the human was my own responses as a panelist. I gave Bard the following prompt and then acted as the liaison between Bard, ChatGPT-4 and Bing, giving them each the answers from the others. As I gave Bard the answers from the panelists, it came up with the next question to ask. I did not edit the output of the three tools. I did have to remind Bard several times that it was a moderator, not a panelist and it also lied to me saying that it could moderate the panel in a GoogleChat and that it could open that chat up and invite the three of us into it! The prompt I gave Bard was: “You are a moderator of a panel with Bing, ChatGPT and me. You will ask me the questions for the panel. I will paste the questions in Bing & ChatGPT to give their answers, and I will then let you know their answers so you can decide the next best question to ask. Sound good? Okay, the topic for the panel to discuss is – “how will educators maintain academic integrity in the age of GenAI? Specifically, not only how can they best facilitate student learning but also certify that the student (not GenAI) has the knowledge and abilities being assessed?” remember, you are the moderator (therefore not answering these questions). Given that topic, what is your opening question to the panelists (which are me, Bing & chatGPT)?”