AtTask User Conference opening remarks

I am currently at the AtTask user conference in Salt Lake City.

I am listening to the opening remarks, and AtTask has created a new product called “AtTask Stream” which adds a social media component to project management.  It has added some common social media features such as status updates, thumbs-up ( high-five ) in order to get buy in from the users.

There is a new cleaner look and feel to the product.  They have created a project summary dashboard with a few new features:

Ping – project manager initiates a request for a status update.  The developer can add a comment to the project and can update how they feel about the progress [ “going smoothly”, “some concerns”, etc ].  This allows the project manager to see when the last update was.

How this ’empowers the front line’.  Can assign tasks to functional teams- ie you don’t know who is going to work on it but you know which team.  It is then up to the people on the team to “accept” the work.  You are also able to propose a new date for completion.

This is in beta testing now scheduled for release in later in the summer

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