Attask User Conference: How to approach @Task implementation

You may need to change some processes to get user buy-in.  The technology part is the easy part, the hard part is the cooperation from your people ( process flows and detailed requirements ).

Configuring @Task before all the details are set up will configure you into a corner.

Top things a PM should not do:

Develop project plan on a napkin
Setup Project Structure as “Ready 1 2 3 go get em”
Status reports “Sooooo how’s it going”

Real success criteria:

Use @Task methodology
PM structure : team meetings, issue management, change controls and documentation
effective communication
thorough test plan
execute recommended education plan
knowledge transfer from consulting to customer core team : find users and deeply understand the requirements
partnership between customer and Customer Core team
Partnership between Customer and AtTask services
Executive sponsorship

Avoid designing into a corner.  Spending a week up front will save time and resources later.

Secret Sauce = realistic scope, right resources, acheivable timeline
plan in 30 to 60 day increments
design for the future

 time – money – value

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