Langara’s Steve Musson receives College Sector Educator Award for 2015!

We are delighted to announce that Steve Musson has been awarded a 2015 College Sector Educator Award by the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education ( STLHE). STLHE will honour  Steve and four other winners formally at the awards ceremony held at the STLHE annual conference, hosted this year by University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University on June 16 to 19, 2015 in Vancouver, British Columbia.

This award recognizes outstanding teachers who have made quality efforts to encourage and support the professional development of their peers regarding teaching excellence.
The Teaching and Learning Academic Plan Action Group approached Steve to ask if we could nominate him for the award and he graciously agreed. Thanks to the many people who contributed to Steve’s nomination—not least of whom was Steve himself as the nomination entailed that he undertake a lengthy reflection upon his teaching practice. You can read Steve’s nomination package here: Steve Musson Nomination Package

To read the press release, please click here:


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