Beware of the illusions of knowing.

  • For example, even though it feels like you’ve learned a passage in a book after reading it 5 times, you probably haven’t.
  • Instead, close the book and explain what you just read out loud or by writing it down, using your own words.
  • Familiarity ≠ mastery.
  • Although commonly used, re-reading, cramming or other forms of massed practice are not effective study habits – at least, not in the long term. Massed practice is effective in the short term, but don’t we want to remember things well after the test is over?

Successful students…

  • Have a growth mindset, i.e., Focus on the learning process and learning goals (rather than simply on performance goals), Believe they can succeed and that making mistakes is often necessary when we are learning, and Embrace challenges.
  • Practice like an expert by using the tips below.


For more resources: Tips for Students