Determine the mode of delivery for a course or program

Based on frameworks and guidelines from other institutions and research, we have created some resources to invite you to think about all the factors to consider when determining a mode of delivery. These resources are simply intended to offer a consistent approach to the decision-making process for those who would like some help. You can find definitions of the different modes of delivery in our Glossary.


Complete the Questions for Consideration and make a note of the results.



Complete Part A of the Course Delivery Worksheet.

Complete Part B of the Course Delivery Worksheet.

Complete Part C of the Course Delivery Worksheet by reviewing the results of the considerations questions and the Part B decisions.

Consult EdTech and TCDC if you need help finding educational technology options or wish to explore alternatives to conventional face-to-face assessments, activities, and content delivery.



Consider the results from Step 1 (Questions for Consideration) and Step 2 (Course Delivery Worksheet) to determine the best modality. Contact TCDC and EdTech for help with course design and delivery in any mode.