Re-Cycle Projects

Plastic Shredder

Ocean Plastics

Our Plastics Shredder will, in its second phase, be coupled with a Langara built (Makerspace!) plastic injection moulding machine. We will be exploring these new tools,technologies and ideas as a means to reimagine plastic waste.

These proof of concept tools are aimed at building a mobile, self-replicating toolkit that can be used to begin addressing the issue of marine plastic pollution, micro economics, and design thinking in remote locations on the BC Coast. Stay Tuned – Get involved!

Filament Extruder

Phase II of the Ocean Plastics research project (RSAF funded -LINK to RSAF guidelines), this filament extruder is one of the cornerstones of our closed loop prototyping system being developed in the Makerspace (Part of an extension of the global “Precious Plastics” network (LINK to Precious Plastics). Our aim being to use waste from 3D printing as feedstock for the creation of filament that can then be re-3D printed with minimal need for new plastic.

Injection Molder

Phase III of the Ocean Plastics research project (RSAF Funded -LINK to RSAF guidelines) This third component utilizes shredded waste plastic as the raw material for the creation of new objects. This injection moulder was custom made in house, and in concert with metal moulds fabricated with the Makerspace’s 5 axis milling machine (Link to makerspace tools), can quickly make object from molten waste plastic.