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The Announcements tool enables you to create announcements that communicate with your users quickly and effectively. For information about creating new announcements, visit the Brightspace Instructor Help Page.
Instructors frequently run into difficulties when they copy their course from a previous semester to the current one. It is important to note that, if you have selected Copy All Components during the Import process, the Announcements from the previous semester are copied as well.
Often all these Announcements will be active and visible to students. This is because, when the Announcement was created, No End Date was set up. To make them inactive, you must set an end date for each Announcement. If you do not have a specific end date for the Announcement, you can add the end of the semester as the end date. That way, when the course is copied over the next term, the announcement remains inactive, and you can change the start date and end date and reuse them whenever you want.
Please note that when you, as the instructor, Dismiss an announcement, the announcement is only dismissed from your view. It is not hidden from all the students.
Want to learn more about the Announcements tool? Visit the Brightspace Instructor Help article about Announcements.
See you next month.