EdTech Tips: Manage Dates (in copied content)

Welcome to EdTech Tips, a monthly message with helpful, focused advice for making your Brightspace course work better.

If you copy Brightspace content forward from previous semesters, you need to make sure you update any Start Dates, End Dates, or Due dates to match the current semester. Otherwise, students may not be able to see activities, or may be able to see activities but not access them.

The quickest way to update dates is using the Manage Dates tool. The Manage Dates tool allows you to bulk edit the Due Dates and Start/End Dates of your course content.

  1. On the navbar, click Course Admin.
  2. Click Manage Dates.
  3. Select the check box of the items for which you want to bulk edit dates.
  4. Click Bulk Edit Dates.
    The Bulk Edit Dates option on the Manage Dates page.
  5. In the Bulk Edit Dates dialog box, update the due dates and availability dates.
  6. Click Save.
    The Bulk Edit Dates dialog.

Want to learn more about the Manage Dates tool? Visit the Brightspace Instructor Help article about Manage Dates.

See you next month.