Setting group restrictions for an existing Forum or Topic

Home » Communication » Discussions » Setting group restrictions for an existing Forum or Topic

You can restrict an existing forum or topic so that it is only accessible to members of a specific group or section.

Note:  You must have pre-existing groups before you can set group restrictions on discussions using this method.

Restricting a Single Forum or Topic

  1. Do one of the following:
    • In the Discussions List, click select Edit from the dropdown menu for the forum or topic to which you want to add group restrictions. It will be called either Edit Forum or Edit Topic.
    • If you are creating a new forum or topic, you can create group restrictions after clicking Save.
  2. Click the Restrictions tab.
  3. If the options in the Group Restrictions area are not visible, click Show Forum Group Restrictions or Show Topic Group Restrictions.
  4. Select Restrict this forum to the following groups or Restrict this topic to the following groups and click Add Groups.
  5. Select a Group Category
  6. Select the group you want to attach to this topic.
  7. Click Add.
  8. Click Save.

Removing group access to a Topic

To remove a group’s access, click the “x” icon next to the group and then click Save (To restore, click the plus sign).

To open the forum or topic to everyone again, clear the Restrict this forum to the following groups check box or Restrict this topic to the following groups check box and click Save.